Fantasy Football: Muntradamus VIP Service

Fantasy Football: Muntradamus VIP Service
By Muntradamus
I want you to know that I will be giving out Fantasy Football advice throughout the season for free, but if you want that true one on one experience with me where you can literally contact me out of your hip pocket (Send an e-mail), and pick my brain clean during the season/and or during your draft. Then the VIP services are for you.
Mo from Atlanta signed up for the Muntradamus Experience, where we did a screen share g-mail chat for his draft. Here is what his thoughts were after the draft:
Just wanted to give thanks to Muntradamus. I found the site during baseball season, and used it almost religiously for my streaming starters. With Fantasy Football season fast approaching I read some of the articles and alot of the theory’s just make sense. I decided that I would go all in my attempt to win my fantasy football league this year, after finishing 2nd or 3rd for the past 3 years. What better way to implement a new system and approach but with the mastermind behind it. I just finished my draft today and I took Muntradamus offer of having him as an assistant coach/secret weapon during the draft (Muntradamus Experience). And I can tell you it is already paying dividends. During the day of the draft he was there to bounce ideas off, and most importantly during the draft there to help make the tough calls, knowing that he had a list of sleepers ready to cushion the blow of missing the player you thought you really needed. At the end of my draft I walked away knowing that my team was one to be reckoned with and that with his continued assistance this season will be one that will be fun and potentially fulfill my championship season quest.
Mo refereed to his team as, “Red Zone Monsters” throughout the draft. Not just rounds 1-5, but even late when we drafting depth.
I will help lead you to your championship. Check out the Testimonials in the VIP section.
Thanks again BEAST DOME NATION, I appreciate all of the patience you all held as the site was going through the makeover. Let’s win that championship!
– Muntradamus